"Delivering Your Promises, On Time, Every Time!"



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Door to Door Delivery Services

Since its founding, Diamond Stone has worked with household name companies by providing distribution and transportation services across London. We provide services such as: Early morning newspaper deliveries to different addresses Parcels Food deliveries Point A to B vehicle deliveries Diamond Stone

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Warehouse Operatives

We have the experience and skills necessary to tackle just about every type of job that comes our way. With Diamond Stone, clients know exactly what to expect – professionalism, efficiency and exceptional results.


Why using our delivery services? We guarantee that your sending will be delivered safely and in time to any point of our planet. Our delivery company built thousands of depots in dozens of countries all around the Globe to provide our clients with high-quality international delivery services.

Each our employee loves what he or she does. That’s why our services are the best for any despatch goal.


Our purpose is making our customers happy by delivering anything they want and need with:

This is only the beginning of our history. We are eagerly waiting for new delivery challenges and for now, we offer: